
Best Practise from Industry Experts

Our Services for Companies

About our work ―
Many industries in Europe are still experiencing talent shortages and are looking outside their labor market to recruit quality staff. We understand how important it is to attract the very best talent to your organization. Therefore LeMar HR specializes in the recruitment of skilled overseas workers and can assists your company with recruitment, selection and support of permanent or temporary employees.
LeMar HR can access highly qualified candidates from around the world. Our recruitment team is experienced in verifying overseas qualifications, reference checking and interviewing candidates to ensure they best suit your organisation’s needs.
LeMar HR creates strong connections between organizations and talented people needing to increase their competitiveness and business potential.
LeMar HR has extensive knowledge of various requirements for foreign workers, and vast experience in the entire mobility process. Our expertise ranges from engineering to aviation.

What do We Make for You?

Deep Search

We don’t stop searching until we find the right number of candidates.

Advanced Analytics

By conducting personality, expertise and psychological analyses we bring added value to our customers.

Corporate Finance

Our HR solutions save you time and money as well.

The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.